Pastor Fee Soliven - 12/22/2024

If They Did It Then We Can Do It Now

Pastor Fee teaches us that the story of Job has fascinated Bible readers from ancient of days to the present. His sufferings and losses are often used as an example of human endurance under the most trying conditions. When people encounter tough times through the loss of loved ones and possessions, they often relate well to the story of Job. His eventual triumph and restoration provide hope to those who suffer. One great aspect of Job was his patience and endurance, which are the trademarks of his integrity. The early church revered him as one of the prophets, noting his exemplary patience as a worthy example for believers facing persecution and hardship today. Pastor Fee will be teaching from the Book Job 1:1-12 and his message is entitled: “If They Did It Then We Can Do It Now”

Scripture References: Job 1:1-12

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